The 2019 CFL Mini-Pool 3 Final Standings

As of Grey Cup Sunday, November 24

(Official Final Pool Results)

Well! This truly was our year! Bombers win the Cup! And as for us, these are our official final results! All hand-verified! So see below for prizes and where we all ended up! Most wins: Who picked the most game winners correctly? Just keeping track for fun. Now done all 33 games on the pool... And our winner here is Mark, who with his two entries (Marco Polo and Mr. Magic), picked the most games correctly with 27 of the 33! He was followed by Joe and Bill (Pennyworth) with 26 of the 32, then 6 people with 25 out of 32. Good picking all!!

Place Last   TOTAL   Games
  Week Name POINTS PRIZE Correct
1 4 Joe Tassone 1 575.5 $35.00 26
2 8 Mr Howell III 566.5 $17.50 23
3 11 The Skipper 563.5 $10.50 25
4 3 Boris Badenov 553 $7.00 24
5 2 Mrs. Magic 544.5 25
6 1 The Blue Crew 539 25
7 14 Joe Tassone 2 534 22
8 10 Pennyworth 526.5 26
9 17 Here Kitty Kitty 525 23
10 15 Long Balls 514.5   25
11 9 Big Blue Baller 514 23
12 16 Dash Riprock 510 25
13 12 Mr. Magic 509.5 27
14 7 Ihor 506 24
15 5 GritGrinders 503 25
16 13 Crossover Chuck C. 502 22
17 6 Marco Polo 500.25 27
18 22 Go For the Rouge! 486.5 22
19 26 Supper's Ready 474 21
20 19 Me 464.5   21
21 21 glowbomberfan 458.5 21
22 20 Connor, Winston 450.5 23
23 25 Home, James 450.5 20
24 18 Timmy's Titans 440.5 23
25 23 Norman Ma 429 22
26 27 Red 418.5 21
27 24 Foster Brooks 418 22
28 29 NFL sux 416.5 19
29 33 Katherine Sing 410 19
30 30 No Punt Intended 407   19
31 31 Lucky #7 406 17
32 28 ¯\_(·_·)_/¯ 397.5 20
33 34 Otto Redblack 370 18
34 32 Red Harbour 339 18
35 35 Ranking Randy M. Ness 328 19
36 36 ShutUpLegs 169 $2.00 12

OK we're all done with the last pool of the 2019 season! Grey Cup is over and Bombers win! So with 36 entries, we have 4 top prizes! Here we go then! Our first place winner was Joe! And he will take $35.00! That's 50% of the top prize pool! In second place we have Clayton, as Mr Howell the Third! He claims $17.50, or 25%! On to third place, it's Clayton again! As The Skipper! Seems like a theme! Well he takes another $10.50, or 15%! And our fourth place finisher was Terry! As Boris Badenov! He will nab $7.00, or 10% of the top prize pool! So that makes the top prize pool of $70.00! And last but not least… with 21 or more entries, we have the last place prize! For the poor unglückliche who finishes last! And that person this time was... Greg! As "ShutUpLegs"! Must be a power cyclist. So he gets his $2.00 entry fee back! Surely he feels better now! So that completes the TOTAL prize pool of $72.00! Note, for display purposes, the standings are sorted by total points, then games correct, then by name; but it is total points ONLY that are used to determine or break ties. So, thanks for playing, everybody! Hope you had fun! Have a great winter!

Updated Thursday, Nov. 28 at 10 PM