2021 Olympic Curling Trials Pool - Entry Form

Saturday, November 20 to Sunday, November 28, 2021

Entry Deadline: 2:00 PM Our Time, Sat., Nov. 20th -- Emailed entries go to glenmoor@shaw.ca

Name:       Phone No.:        
Email Address:              
(email address where you would like to receive updates) Entry Fee:  $5.00    
(Men's and Women's draws noted below!)   (As you like it)      
1 1 W Sat. 2:00 PM Einarson Fleury       1
2 2 M 7:00 PM Bottcher Gushue       2
3 3 W Sun. 9:00 AM Walker Rocque       3
4 4 M 2:00 PM Epping Gunnlaugson       4
5     Koe Gushue       5
6 5 W 7:00 PM Scheidegger McCarville       6
7 6 M Mon. 2:00 PM McEwen Gunnlaugson       7
8 7 W 7:00 PM Walker Einarson       8
9 8 M Tues. 2:00 PM Gushue Jacobs       9
10   Bottcher McEwen       10
11 9 W 7:00 PM Scheidegger Rocque       11
12     McCarville Harrison       12
13 10 M Wed. 9:00 AM Bottcher Koe       13
14 11 W 2:00 PM Homan Walker       14
15 12 M 7:00 PM Horgan Epping       15
16 13 W Thu. 9:00 AM Homan Jones       16
17 14 M 2:00 PM Koe Jacobs       17
18 15 W 7:00 PM Rocque Harrison       18
19     Einarson Homan       19
20 16 M Fri. 9:00 AM Dunstone Horgan       20
21 17 W 2:00 PM Jones Fleury       21
22 18 M 7:00 PM Gunnlaugson Dunstone       22
23 Semi - W Sat. 2:00 PM           23
24 Semi - M 7:00 PM           24
25 Final - W Sun. 11:00 AM           25
26 Final - M 7:00 PM           26
Entry Fee is $5.00.  Entry Deadline is 2:00 PM, Saturday, November 20! Select the winner for every game by putting
each winning team name in the "WINNER" column. Note Women's and Men's draws alternate. W odd, M even.
For each of the Men's and Women's Semifinal and Final games:        
The 2nd and 3rd place round robin teams play in the Semifinals. The winner of these games advance to play the 1st
place round robin teams in the Finals. This is an abbreviated Page Playoff format - no playoffs, just a Semifinal and a
Final. So pick the two teams you think will play in each of the Semifinal games, and choose the winners. Then pick the
two teams you think you will play in the Final games, and choose the winner. Finally, apply each of the "Available Points"
to every one of your picks, using each number only once!        
Hand in your printed entry form to me, or email your saved copy to me at glenmoor@shaw.ca! Or phone or text your picks!
NOTE:  Points for this pool simply go from 1 to 26. BUT, SPECIAL NOTE: If you correctly pick the WINNER of the Men's
and Women's Final games, you receive a BONUS 10 POINTS over and above the points you assigned! But as usual,
you still receive half your points for correctly placing a team in these games, win or lose. Make sure to check out
the RULES document for details on PLAYOFF BONUS POINTS!! (Semifinal and Final only in this competition.)

This form, and any other Glen pool documents, can be found by going to:

INFORMATION ON TEAMS: On this page, we've got the top 20-ish Men's and Women's teams in Canada,
including the 9 participating teams in bold, as of the date below. For more information on the participating teams,
go to the event web site, at: https://www.curling.ca/2021trials/
CTRS Rankings info: https://www.curling.ca/team-canada/canadian-team-ranking-system/
The non-bolded teams below are listed just for info's sake. In case you're wondering who's missing from
this event. For whatever reason. I.E. they never qualified!
         2021/2022 CTRS Current Standings - As of Nov. 11, 2021    
MEN Team (Province) Points WOMEN Team (Province) Points
1 Brad Jacobs (N. Ontario) 163.8 1  Tracy Fleury (Manitoba) 167.0  
2 Kevin Koe (Alberta) 142.1 2  Jennifer Jones (Manitoba) 114.0
3  Glenn Howard (Ontario) 123.0 3  Hollie Duncan (Ontario) 92.9
4  Brad Gushue (Nf/Lb) 103.0 4  Kerri Einarson (Manitoba) 91.3
5 Jason Gunnlaugson (Manitoba) 90.6 5 Chelsea Carey (Sask) 76.3
6 Matt Dunstone (Sask) 89.4 6 Rachel Homan (Ontario) 75.1
7 Brendan Bottcher (Alberta) 87.2 7  Kerry Galusha (NWT) 73.5
8 Colton Flasch (Sask) 80.6 8  Laura Walker (Alberta) 65.5
9 Mike McEwen (Manitoba) 79.5 9 Corryn Brown (British Columbia) 61.6
10 Tanner Horgan (J. Beuk) (Ontario) 76.0 10  Mackenzie Zacharias (Manitoba) 61.2
11 Pat Simmons (Manitoba) 74.2 11 Casey Scheidegger (Alberta) 49.5
12 Tyler Tardi (British Columbia) 66.2 12  Kelsey Rocque (Alberta) 48.5
13 Braden Calvert (Manitoba) 65.0
14 John Epping (Ontario) 63.5 16  Jacqueline Harrison (Ontario) 42.2
      19 Krista McCarville (Northern Ontario) 40.4