The 2024 Tournament Of Hearts Pool

Final Standings As of Sunday, Feb. 25

(Official Final Pool Results)

What a day! Well! Homan over Jones for the final! It was a nail biter! As for us, these are now our hand-verified official results! So see below for prizes, and below the standings for the FULL story on why 3rd and last place did NOT get a prize this time! Thanks for playing, everybody! Most wins: So who among us picked the most game winners correctly? Just want to know for fun. We're done all 34 games of the pool now... And our winner here was Brad (Supper's Ready)! Who finished with 25 of the 34 pool games correct! Next best is 23 out of 34! And that was Pete (Stone Quarry), Pete again (as himself), and Dan! And then Luke, Mel, and Lance, all with 22 of 34. Good picking, all!

Place Last   TOTAL   Winners
  Night Entry Name PTS PRIZE Picked
1 8 Stone Quarry 515.5 $110.25 23
2 5 Luke Bernas 501 $61.25 22
3 6 Pete Carriere (declined)* 498   23
4 4 Supper's Ready 497.5 $36.75 25
5 1 Dan Wall 495.5 $24.50 23
6 2 Where's the Corn Brooms? 485.25 $12.25 20
7 3 Melodie M. 468.5   22
8 10 Lance B. 451.75   22
9 14 Norman Ma 443.5   21
10 7 Jo Williams 436.75   20
11 9 Al Degner 435   20
12 15 Ralph Sanders 430   20
13 21 Brian Gagnon 428.5   19
14 11 Rozina 426.5   21
15 24 Eve Froehlich 419.25   20
16 12 Brandon Cohoe 415.5   16
17 16 The Legend 415   21
18 13 Rose Wall 411.5   19
19 18 Wild Card #5 411.5   19
20 30 Razorback54 407   19
21 29 Mark S. 406.5   18
22 26 Sloth Claw 404.5   21
23 23 Poobahs 400.75   19
24 20 Kadiddlehopper 400   18
25 17 Rhoda Brown 399.5   20
26 31 Joyce Drul 396   16
27 27 Ken Yerex 395.5   19
28 22 Angie Carfrae 393.5   18
29 19 Barry M. 391.5   17
30 28 Long Balls 391   18
31 25 Barry Black 384   17
32 32 Ghost of the Thistle 381.25   18
33 39 ABBA Forever 378.5   20
34 33 Clueless 375   17
35 41 David Jopling 370.5   20
36 44 Indira Jacob 370.5   16
37 36 Karen Veitch 360.5   17
38 46 glowbug 359.75   16
39 38 Kathy Yates + Ashley Klassen 359.5   18
40 35 Murielle Jennings 355   16
41 34 Darbarstar 354   16
42 37 Red Baron 352   17
43 43 Sweep Dreams 344   15
44 42 Janice Jones 340.75   17
45 40 Keith Walker 335   16
46 47 K9Crazy 311.5   14
47 45 Cleopatra 303.5   16
48 48 Tammie Copple 255.5   14
49 49 Wayne Cook 239.5 $5.00 11
50 50 GI Joe (declined)* 236.5   11

* Pete declined to accept his 3rd and last place prizes, and only take his first place prize! Yes he put in 3 entries, and all three finished in the money! So he gladly accepted his first place prize, but said to pass the others down the line. Which I've done above.

OK! It's all done! Let's get at those prizes then! With a whopping 50 entries, our first prize was $110.25! That's 45% of the top prize pool! And our winner? Pete Carriere! As Stone Quarry! Next, in 2nd place we have Luke Bernas! A first time player! He takes home $61.25! That's 25% of our top prize pool. Our 3rd place finisher was Pete again! But he declined to take this prize too, and said pass it down the line. So! In 4th, we had Brad! As Supper's Ready! So he takes the 3rd place prize of $36.75, 15%. In 5th then, we had Dan! He gets the 4th place prize of $24.50, or 10%! And finally, in 6th place, we had Ken, who asks Where's the Corn Brooms! He takes the 5th place prize of $12.25! That's 5% of the top prize pool of $245. But there's more! Last but not least, with 21 or more entries, we have a last place prize! Of your money back, $5.00! Which went to... Pete again!!! And he declined this prize too. First place was enough for him! So this prize moves up to our second last place finisher, Wayne! Who only missed last by 3 points! So that makes our total prize pool of a whopping $250.00 (50 entries times $5 each)! Note, the percentages above are applied after the last place prize is awarded. One last note, for display purposes, the standings are sorted first by total points, then by number of wins, and finally alphabetically. But for purposes of prizes, it is points and points only that are used to determine or break ties. So thanks for playing, everybody! Hope you had fun! And if you're interested, the Brier pool starts this Friday! March 1st!! No time to take a break! Many of you are already in that one. OK thanks all!

Updated Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2024 at 11:47 PM