The 2021 World Men's Curling Championship Pool

Good Friday, April 2nd at 10 AM! to Sunday, April 11, 2021

Entry Deadline: 10:00 AM!! Winnipeg Time, Friday, April 2nd -- Emailed entries go to

Name:       Phone No.:          
Email Address:       Entry Fee: $5.00      
(email address where you would like to receive updates)          
1 1 Fri. 10 AM Scotland Canada       1  
2 2 3:00 PM Sweden Switzerland       2  
3 3 8:00 PM China Italy       3  
4 4 Sat. 10 AM U.S.A. Sweden       4  
5 5 3:00 PM China Russia       5  
6 (April 3) Norway Korea       6  
7 6 8:00 PM Japan Switzerland       7  
8 7 Sun. 10 AM Canada Switzerland       8  
9 8 3:00 PM Denmark Korea       9  
10 9 8:00 PM Switzerland U.S.A.       10  
11 10 Mon. 10 AM Sweden Scotland       11  
12   (April 5) U.S.A. Canada       12  
13 11 3:00 PM China Netherlands       13  
14 13 Tues. 10 AM Japan Norway       14  
15 14 3:00 PM Germany Denmark       15  
16   (April 6) Japan Scotland       16  
17 15 8:00 PM Italy Russia       17  
18 16 Wed. 10 AM Germany Netherlands       18  
19 17 3:00 PM Scotland U.S.A.       19  
20 18 8:00 PM Canada Sweden       20  
21   (April 7) Korea Germany       21  
22 19 Thu. 10 AM Russia Norway       22  
23 20 3:00 PM China Japan       23  
24 22 Fri. 10 AM Denmark Italy       24  
25 23 3:00 PM Netherlands Italy       25  
26 3 vs 6 QF Fri. 8 PM?           26  
27 4 vs 5 QF Sat. 10 AM?           27  
28 SF 1v(4/5) Sat. 3 PM?           28  
29 SF 2v(3/6) Sat. 8 PM?           30  
30 Bronze Sun. Noon           35  
31 Gold Sun. 5 PM           40  
Select the winner for each Round Robin game above by putting each winning team name in the "WINNER" column.
Select the teams you think will play in the 2 Qualifier, 2 Semifinal, and 2 Medal games, and pick the winners.  
Finally, apply each of the "Available Points" to every one of your picks, using each number only once.  
Get your entry form to me any way you can - paper, email to, text to 299-2583, or even phone them in!
Entry Deadline is 10 AM Good Friday, April 2nd, the start of Draw 1!  Entry Fee is $5.00.        
Scroll down a bit to page 2 to see a description of the Different Playoff Format in this World tournament!  
This tournament has a different playoff format.  There are three playoff rounds!        
After the Round Robin, the teams ranked 1st to 6th in the Round Robin standings advance to the playoffs.  
The first playoff round is the Qualifier Round. The 3rd place team plays the 6th place team, and 4th place plays 5th place.
The winners of the Qualifier games advance to the Semifinal Round, the losers are out.      
In the Semifinal Round, the winner of 3 vs 6 meets the 2nd place team, and the winner of 4 vs 5 plays the 1st place team.
The final playoff round is the Medal Round. The two winners of the Semifinal games advance to the GOLD Medal game;
and the losers of the Semifinal games play in the BRONZE Medal game. And that is it.        
So! Pick the 4 different teams you think will play in the Qualifier matches, and pick your winners.      
Then pick the 4 different teams you think will play in the Semifinal matches, and pick your winners.    
And finally pick the 4 different teams you think will play in the Medal matches, and pick your winners.    
Finally, apply each of the "Available Points" to every one of your picks, using each number only once.    
Points for this pool go from 1 to 28, then 30, 35, and 40! A little bonus for your top 3 picks!      
NOTE:  Your Qualifier Round Picks are interchangeable! If you pick a winner in either order, you get your full points.
Same applies to your Semifinal Round picks. Did this because it's not clear which Qualifier or Semifinal is played first.
And if your teams don't win, you still get 1/2 points for each of your teams that actually play in those rounds.  
The Medal Round is different. You must place teams in the exact Medal game to get the most points! You will get  
full points for picking the exact winners of the Bronze and Gold matches; you will get 1/2 points for placing teams in  
the exact Medal match; and finally you will still get 1/4 points for placing teams in the wrong medal match!  
That's the playoffs! They're slightly different from the usual. But just pick 4 teams in each round, and you're set!