Hi! Here we are at the start of what looks to be a normal CFL season this year! Seems like Covid may be just a slight annoyance? Let's hope. So let's get going then! First some announcements. Then scroll down to find all the 2022 Pools!
STUPID COVID RULE: Well! Covid isn't really gone, yet, so here's a rule about games that get postponed, or even cancelled. Required last season, hopefully not again this year! So here goes!
GAME POSTPONED RULE: If a game gets postponed, we wait until it gets rescheduled. If it is postponed past the end of Pool 1, I will check to see if the game makes any difference to the people in the money spots. If not, we just forget the game and award prizes. But if so, we wait until it gets played, or cancelled! Pain in the neck, but what else can we do.
GAME CANCELLED RULE: The CFL said last year: "According to CFL protocols, if a game is cancelled due to COVID-19 issues and can't be rescheduled, the club suffering from the COVID-19 issues will forfeit a 1-0 loss. If both squads have COVID-19 issues, each will forfeit the game and be assigned losses."
WHAT THIS MEANS TO US: For our pool then, we do exactly what they do. One or both teams are awarded losses by the CFL, and so we do exactly the same. And we may not award Pool 1 prizes until the game (or games) are resolved! Whenever that is! Unfortunate. But hey, Stupid Covid!
As for players missing games due to Stupid Covid, and the team losing because of it, well, that's just a risk we have to take.
So first off, here's the SCHEDULE for 2022's pools! A normal CFL season this year, with 21 regular season weeks, followed by the usual playoff schedule!
POOL 1: Covers CFL weeks 1 to 7, Thursday, June 9 to Saturday, July 23. This one is 27 games.
POOL 2: Covers CFL weeks 8 to 14: Starts Thursday, July 28 and goes to Saturday, September 10th! That's 28 games.
POOL 3: The final pool of the season! Covers CFL regular season weeks 15 to 21, plus the playoffs! Starts Friday, September 16, and goes right to Grey Cup Sunday, November 20th! And this one is 31 games including the playoffs AND the Grey Cup Final! Played in Regina this year! Ooh Rider country!
This space reserved for advertising. HAHAHA just kidding NO WAY man!! All I "advertise" is the CFL, its website, and a couple other websites. See links below!
If you've been in on the Curling pools, you know those were 5 bucks each. Same will apply to our Football pools now! 5 bucks, up from $2. Two and 1/2 times the price. BUT, likewise, two and 1/2 times the prizes! So the 2019 Pool 3 first prize was $35. With the new entry fee, that would have been... $87.50!! So... Even MORE better than a kick in the pants!!
(And speaking of entry fees, with everything being locked down, we just did e-Transfers mostly! Worked rather well! But whatever works.)
(For Pool 2 just scroll down a bit)
This is it! The final CFL Pool of the season! This one covers the rest of the 2022 CFL season, including the playoffs and of course the GREY CUP!! And it's coming up fast!!
Official Final Standings Yes it is all done! And the results are now official! Click to see how we all did!
The Master Spreadsheet This is where to look for everybody's picks! The source of everything Pool 3. And you can do your own updates and projections if you want! (330K Excel Spreadsheet)
Mini Pool 3 Master Spreadsheet in Web Page Format Here's the master sheet again, but in web page format so you don't need Microsoft Excel or whatever to look at it. (240K web page)
The 2022 CFL Pool 3 Zip File All the Pool 3 documents in one zip file for quick downloading! It's only 100K bytes! Your best download value!
The 2022 Pool 3 Entry Form! Yes it's coming up fast! The third and final pool of the 2022 season! Entry deadline is 8:30 PM Our Time, Friday, Sept. 16! The start of the first game on the pool! Which is Edmonton at Saskatchewan! So this pool goes right through to the GREY CUP on November 20th! A whole 31 games! Enter once, enter often!
Instructions for using the Excel Pool Entry Form
As I've said before, to fill out the interactive entry form and send it to me, you must save the form on your computer. Then do your picks and email that form to me as an attachment. That's the only way I will get your picks! That's because the form is not a true online form. But it's still very easy to use. If you have something that will work with Excel spreadsheets.
The 2022 Pool 3 Entry Form, in web page format! Here's the entry form again, in web page format. Again the entry deadline is 8:30 PM Our Time, Friday, Sept. 16th! This entry form is not interactive, sorry. But you can print it off and it looks good man!
PLAYOFF BONUS POINTS: Remember, in the playoffs and the Grey Cup, you score bonus points for picking the losers of these games! Make sure to see the PLAYOFF BONUS POINTS section of the "CFL POOLS RULES DOCUMENT" below for details of the bonus half and quarter points available in the playoff games!
THE CFL Pools RULES Document!
The CFL Pools RULES Document Here's all the rules and information you need to help you do your entry! If ya want it! You can still just ask me too, of course. Updated as of the 2013 Pools.
The CFL Pools RULES Zip File Yeah the rules are in their own Zip file now. (Just 30K bytes!)
(For Pool 1 just scroll down a bit)
Announcing the 2022 CFL Mini-Pool 2! Which is coming up fast!
Official Final Standings Yes we're all done! Check out how we all did!
The Master Spreadsheet! This is where to look for everybody's picks! Ranked of course by points. You can see everybody's picks! And you can do your own updates and projections if you want! It's an Excel spreadsheet though, you need Office or whatever to look at it! (185K bytes)
Mini Pool 2 Master Spreadsheet in Web Page Format Here's the master sheet, with everybody's picks and the standings. But this one's in web page format so anyone can look at it. (200K bytes.)
The 2022 Pool 2 Entry Form! Yes it's all ready! You can start work on Pool 2 right now! Deadline is 6:30 PM our time, Thursday, July 28! The start of the Montreal at Hamilton game! As usual, the entry form is the same cool format, an Excel spreadsheet with drop-down everything!
Instructions for using the Excel Pool Entry Form
To fill out the interactive entry form and send it to me, you MUST save your picks on your computer. Then email the file you saved to me as an attachment. That's the only way I will get your picks! It's not a true online form but it sure makes entering easy!
The 2022 Pool 2 Entry Form in web page format. If you're not into interactive, this is the entry form in web page format. Print it off and fill it out in pen! (of course you can do the same with the Excel entry form) But for this one you don't need a spreadsheet app!
Note, you can use any method you like to get your entry to me! Including leaving a long phone message! Whatever works best for you!
The 2022 CFL Pool 2 Zip File All of the Pool 2 docs above in a zip file for quick downloading! Only 75K bytes! Great download value!
So okay, here's CFL Pool 1, the first pool of the 2022 season! And it's all done!
Official Final Standings Yes we are done! Click to see how we all did!
The Master Spreadsheet! This is where to look for everybody's picks, all the games, so you know who's doing well, or what! It's got everything! (170K Excel Spreadsheet)
The CFL Mini Pool 1 Master Spreadsheet in Web Page Format Here's the master sheet again, with everybody's picks and the standings. But this one's in web page format so anybody can see it! (205K bytes)
The 2022 Pool 1 Entry Form! Here is where you make your picks! Enter once, enter often! Deadline for Pool 1 is Thursday, June 9 at 7:30 PM, the start of the first game of the season! The entry form is the same cool format as usual, an Excel spreadsheet with drop-down everything! (I didn't create the original entry form... Credit for the original form goes to a guy who worked at MTS who did hockey pools.)
Instructions for using the Excel Pool Entry Form
To fill out the interactive entry form and send it to me, you MUST save your picks on your computer. Then email the file you saved to me as an attachment. That's the only way I will get your picks! That's because the form is not a true online form. But it's still very easy to use.
The 2022 Pool 1 Entry Form -- in web page format! This is the same as the Excel spreadsheet, except in web page format. Not interactive though, but you can print it off and fill it out if you like doing it the old-fashioned way!
The above docs can be downloaded in the following ZIP file!
The 2022 CFL Pool 1 Zip File (Just 75K bytes! Quick, easy downloadability!)
THE SAME FORMAT: Yeah, this is yet another year of CFL "MINI" pools! Each one based on a different part of the season. Back to the usual THREE pools in 2022. And all you gotta do is predict the results of all the CFL games! Every game of the CFL season, except the Pre-Season, is on the pools!
WHAT TO DO: (If you're new to the pools)... What you do is: Using the entry form, predict the winners of all the games in each pool. You can also predict a TIE for regular season games! (Scroll way down for a summary of TIES in the CFL.) For Pool 2, predict the teams that will play in the Playoffs and Grey Cup Final as well, and of course the winners of these! (No ties in the playoffs!)
THEN: After predicting all the game winners or ties, you apply RANK POINTS to each prediction, based on how sure you are of each. You would apply the highest points to your most sure prediction, and the lowest points to your least sure prediction, using each number ONLY ONCE, for ALL the games you picked. Then send your entry in!!
THAT'S IT in a nutshell. For more detailed description, see the RULES document using the links above. Or check out the ENTRY FORM, and just go for it already!
Yes, why not get some of your friends or family into this, it's only 2 oops uh 5 bucks, and hey that will make the pot a little sweeter for the winners! Which will be YOU, right? Sure, of course! We welcome anybody with money, and who thinks they can predict CFL Football! Or not predict it! Hahahaa!
So yeah the start of the 2022 CFL season is fast approaching, so let's get together at a restaurant or patio, to talk football, eat, and whatever! What do you say?
When? Thursday, June 9! Season opening day!
Time? Say, 6:30 PM.
Where? Stella's on Provencher! It's in the CCFM building! Stella's au CCFM, Centre Culturel Franco-Manitobain, 340 Provencher Blvd, Winnipeg, MB R2H 0G7.
It's just a 4 minute drive from Portage and Main! There you go! There's 4 of us so far! This get together is optional, you don't have to attend to enter the pool. But, it is a good time, and a chance to talk football, and pay your entry fees for the season, or whatever! And Covid is totally over so we can actually get together! (Right??) So if you're interested, let me know! So I can know how big a table to get! Or if you're keen, beat me there! Okay then!
Recent and Upcoming Games!
(Date and time or result and attendance) (Times are all Central Time)
All done: 2022 CFL Week 21 (Last week of regular season)
FRI OCT 28 FINAL BC 9 @ 24 WPG 23,685
SAT OCT 29 FINAL MTL 38 @ 33 TOR 13,155
SAT OCT 29 FINAL HAM 23 @ 16 OTT 19,708
SAT OCT 29 FINAL SSK 10 @ 36 CGY 25,179
CFL Playoffs, 2022!
If you need CFL information, check out these important links:
The CFL's OFFICIAL Web SiteThis has the stats, schedule, results, plus all the players, team Rosters, transactions, depth charts... Everything you need to predict who will win all the games! And guarantee you a win in the pool! Yeah!
The CFL's Schedule and Results Page This year, plus you can get to previous seasons from here too!
TSN's CFL Site There's information and Broadcast schedules here!
* TSN's CFL Broadcast Schedule * Looks like ALL CFL regular season games are on "TSN"! Whether that's TSN 1, 3, 5, or whatever, not sure. Click for details! But Spoiler Alert though! They've got the latest scores at the top of the page!
Canoe.com's CFL Site (Formerly SLAM.ca)
Hey why not take a CFL trivia quiz? See how much you know about our game! Mostly I think it's accurate.
Calvillo Sets All-Time CFL TD Pass Record
// Stegall All Time Receiving Yards King
Bruce Boa: Former Calgary Stampeder and Waldorf Salad ordering actor from British sitcom Fawlty Towers
Who the heck is Luther Selbo? Clue #1
Clue #2
Farrell Funston makes the catch!
Kapp & Mosca: Can't we just get along? I guess not. Try to understand it here!
When was the last tie game in the CFL? (Regular season - pre-season doesn't count) Well! ... Gotta go back to Friday, June 23rd, 2017, Calgary at Ottawa! 31 - 31 tie in overtime. Before that, Friday, July 8, 2016! Calgary at Ottawa again! Final score 26 - 26. Which was the first tie since 2009: October 17, 2009, Sask 44 @ Calgary 44. And before that, there were two in 2007: June 28, 2007, Wpg 39 @ Edm 39; and August 17, 2007, BC 45 @ Cal 45. And another in 2004. So there you go! There's your recap as of May 14, 2022!
That’s all I’ve got for now. Remember, you can contact me by phone or text, if you know my land line or cell numbers; or email: glenmoor@shaw.ca!
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