Our 2021 Olympic Curling Teams!
* Jones steals win from Fleury in Extra End Thriller * Gushue squeaks out a win over Jacobs for Gold *


Here we go! The 2021 Olympic Curling Trials Pool! (Previously known as the Roar of the Rings!) Pool entry deadline is Saturday, November 20 at 2:00 PM! Which is passed! This event is a standard round-robin style format! As with 2017, with an abbreviated playoff format where just the top three round-robin teams advance to the playoffs. Anyway, click the links below to get in on the action!

Official Final Standings OK we are done! Click to see how we all did! Results are now official!
The Olympic Trials Pool MASTER Spreadsheet... This Excel document has it all! Everybody's picks, right up to the finals! And you can do your own projections! (What I've got entered so far!) (250K Byte Excel spreadsheet)
The Master Spreadsheet in Web Page Format This non-Microsoft document is great for quick access to everyone's picks. It's not in perfect beautiful format but you don't need Microsoft Office to look at it! (size: 280K bytes)
The Zipped Version ... All this pool's documents crammed into a 105K zip file! It's faster and less hassle to download this to use the Entry Form or Master Spreadsheet, rather than try to open those directly. But whatever you like!
The Pool Entry Form Enter once! Enter often! The more the merrier! Again it's the great entry form format with drop down menus for everything! And it also includes some helpful team ranking information! (65K Excel Spreadsheet document)

Instructions for using the Excel Pool Entry Form
To fill out the interactive entry form below and send it to me, you MUST save your picks on your computer. Then email the file you saved to me as an attachment. That's the only way I will get your picks! That's because the form is NOT a true online form. But it's still very awesome to use!

The Pool Entry Form - Web Page Format It's not interactive. But it's not Microsoft, so anyone can see it. So you can print it out and fill it out on paper. It doesn't look perfect, but you can see the important stuff. Same information in it too! Including Team Ranking info! (80K bytes)

General Pool Rules and Instructions This is the MASTER rules document for the regular curling pools! But the prize structure and other things still apply to this one. (40K html document)
The General Curling Pools Rules and Help... in a Zip File. ... The above Rules, in two formats, plus a jpg of the Page Playoff Format (NOT being used in this tournament). All in a 75K zip file. Grab em all!


TSN'S TV COVERAGE: This is TSN's 2021-22 Curling Broadcast schedule. TSN will be broadcasting ALL the Olympic Trial draws on one TSN or another! Click to see the schedule!
Curling Canada's You Tube Site Don't know what they'll have here if anything. But why not check out their informative 2 minute guide to curling! If you didn't know already what it's all about.

Important Sites:

The 2021 Olympic Curling Trials Event Web Site This has all the information you need to know who plays who, etc.! Plus the draw schedule!. LIVE SCORING results MAY be available here too!
TSN's Curling Trials Qualifying Page. This details how every team qualified for the Trials! They're still calling it the Roar of the Rings too.
The CCA's Home Page LIVE SCORING MAY be available through the Event Web site above!

That’s all I’ve got at this point. I've got to go now, my planet needs me. Catch ya later!

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Updated Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2021 at 11:34 PM
Email: glenmoor@shaw.ca